Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Brunei - August 2009

I arrived quite late at night in Brunei, and thought that I was an obvious target for scammers when it came to the taxis. I got money out the bank, and asked someone who looked a decent enough guy, how much I should expect to pay in the taxis. I still think I paid a bit much, but I needed to get to the hotel, and I had no idea how far away it was.
When I arrived at the hotel, there was a nice charming guy on the reception who was very helpful. The room was pretty cool; it came with tea, coffee etc, and the phone book had all sorts of random information in about Brunei, as well as how to eat healthily and keep well etc! It was a bit weird having it in a phone book! There was first aid in there too!
I slept quite well, and got up early so that I’d have plenty of time to explore town. The breakfast was a bit plain and the coffee was foul, but it was food, so I ate it! I got advice about where to get the bus into town, and managed to catch it okay. I felt a bit underdressed as I was wearing one of my new dresses which was a bit showy! I felt good in it, but thought that maybe I was being a tad inappropriate in a Muslim community.
I arrived, with my little map, and was wandering around looking for something to do. I found a market, but there wasn’t much of interest there; it was mainly dried fish and fresh garlic etc. I then found some guys who were hovering around the place on small boats. I’m not quite sure how it came about, but I managed to get a ride around the floating villages and saw monkeys jumping around the surrounding areas just in the trees and on the ground.
There were lots of beautiful mosques which I could see from the river, and it was a really beautiful day with the sun shining very brightly. It was a very peaceful day and I really enjoyed travelling along in my private boat, waving at random locals who were waving at me!
I wandered around, looking for something to do. I found a lady who was able to guide me to the mall, where I did quite a bit of shopping! I found some new shoes, and a purse for mum, and various other supermarket items. The lady was really friendly and we chatted a bit about my insecurity about wearing not enough clothes and she’s said that they wear that sort of thing too, so not to worry about it. She said I did a good job of getting around on the buses as even a local herself, she didn’t know which buses ran where!
In the shoe shop I needed to pop out to the bank to get out some more cash, and when I popped back into the shop and announced ‘Whoops! Sorry I took so long, had to run out to the HSBC one!’ I realised that I was on the wrong floor, and therefore in the wrong shop! So I did a quick look around the shop, and then sheepishly went off to find the right floor, and the right shoe shop! Whoops! One of my many embarrassing moments!
I popped into a coffee shop for a quick drink, which turned out to be rather expensive. I had thought that I’d make up the difference by using the loo, as my bowels still being rather annoying. Even more annoying than my bowels was the lack of toilet roll so I had to wait until returning to the hotel!
I did however find a DVD shop which was selling many DVDs at only £1.20!! Bargain! And some of them were three or four movies per DVD; including all the Lion King movies, and some recent films like ‘24: Redemption’ and some other good films! I won’t ever be bored!
I managed to get to the airport okay, and had a meal before waiting ages to board the plane. As always I was a bit scared about the plane crashing, but I survived the flight okay. Even when we had to stop for refuelling in Dubai and a man was getting questioned for about 20 minutes about why he didn’t look like the man in the photograph in his passport, and he had a questionable absence from the UK for over 5 years where he was being trained up for something or other. Another man was getting in trouble and having a bit of an argument with staff about them trying to charge him extra for having too much baggage on the plane. I was so nervous about getting called up and charged for my extra baggage which had been transferred to London directly from Bangkok, where the kind man let me get away with an extra 8kg! Thankfully when I did get called up, it was only to change my ticket of where I would be sitting!
I arrived safely in London, where it took me a bit of time to get used to the change in traffic and the way of life. It felt strange to be back. I arrived at a ridiculously early time in the morning, and then had misplaced my code for collecting my train tickets, so had to wake Shonagh up and ask her to get them off my emails. It was a bit of a faff but eventually I got everything sorted out. Then after a train journey to Newcastle, I was home!

Bangkok - 8th? August 2009

I got up at 6.45am so that I could enjoy the wonderful buffet breakfast again, even though we had no plans to be rushing around today. We had a peaceful time by the pool which I really enjoyed. There was some building work going on not too far away so I could splash about and not worry about disturbing those who were sunbathing. It was too hot for me to just sunbathe, even with the distraction of a book.
We decided that today would be a good day to head up to the old city of Ayyutya, where I'd been before with Lucy and Robbie.
We had an hour to wait and so we entertained ourselves with browsing through some magazines and having a coffee which was delicious. We left enough time to get the train, and thankfully managed to get seats! The train was as slow as before, and it was really hot despite having fans overhead. As always, the day was a photo shoot for Lily, she's obsessed with taking photos! I quite enjoyed having the opportunity to just relax, safe in the knowledge that if there was something to take a photo of, Lily would get it!
We visited the temple with the well-kept Buddhas with yellow sashes on, with the mini-reclining Buddha too. We didn't go right over to see the many roosters as we were quite short for time and we wanted to get in the three sites that had been suggested to us by our tuk-tuk driver. I was able to summarise anything bits that we didn't quite have enough time to see.
Next up was the old temples and city walls in the dilapidated state, with the buddha's head hideen behind tree roots.
Finally we went to the white temple which had a giant Buddha inside. It was quiet today and there were no children or adults trying to flog us things. There was a market around though, but we didn't have time to have a look at it.
I quite enjoyed the chat we had on the way back to Bangkok on the train. When we returned we went to KFC and Subway; I had a salad sandwich which was delicious! (I seem to be having rather a lot of these!)
That evening we met up with the guys, who had somehow arranged with a tuk-tuk driver to take us to the infamous Ping-Pong show for only 10 Baht each! We were then charged 350 Baht to watch the show, which some of us weren't that keen on paying, but I thought £7 was fair enough! We all went in, and got our free drink - I ordered a beer and then passed it along to someone else. The show was amazing!
It finished around 1.30am, and we got a tuk-tuk back to our street. There were nine of us and so we fitted five into a taxi, and four into a tuk-tuk. I lay on the floor and three somehow squeezed into the seats! The guy was listening to music as he drove, possibly dangerous, and he was speeding a long like a bit of a maniac. I decided there was no point in worrying myself over the safety of the trip and decided just to enjoy the ride! It was so much fun! What a fun way to end an interesting and fun night!
Lily had a pancake, whilst Naomi and I had vegetable spring rolls, with an extremely spicy chilli sauce on! My mouth was nearly on fire! I ended up finishing up Lily's water it was that spicy!

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Bangkok - 9th? August 2009

Aaron arrived today so we had a lovely breakfast and then Naomi met up with Aaron whilst Lily and I were relaxing in the pool and doing a bit of shopping. All four of us met up to go to the weekend market which Lily had read about and it was quite a market! We all split up and arranged to reconvene elsewhere, which worked out well. There were so many things to look at, it was incredible. There was a stall selling rabbits dressed in dresses. Obviously I'm not keen on them selling baby rabbits there, but they were so completely and utterly adorable!! I was very tempted to take one home! I found various chopsticks and other presents for people which was handy, although there was way to much choice, and many very similar stalls which confused me!
We then headed to MBK, whilst Naomi and Aaron did their own thing. We had a lovely lunch, although it was kind of expensive. We managed to get lots of cheap DVDs and CDs which were obviously copies but brilliant. I even got the newest Harry Potter movie! Lily got a lovely watch which really suited her skin colour, I was a bit gutted that I hadn't spotted it first!
I spent a bit of time on the internet that evening, and then met the rest of the group. There was a football match on that evening with Newcastle playing, so the boys were wearing their shirts, and so they bumped into fellow Geordies as they were walking around! It was pretty cool - small world huh!
We hung out in their room, and the guys went for a Burger King, where some lovely ladies had asked us to look over this document for them which they were forming to send off to someone. Lily looked so studious! I meanwhiile was choking on my way too chillified subway sandwich! I was panting like a dog!
The others sat for a drink for a bit whilst I went dress shopping! I seemed to try to get a new dress each day! I really loved their dresses though, very pretty and good for going out in!

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Bangkok - 7th August 2009

A very early start, with breakfast at 6.30am; and what a breakfast it was; one of the best buffets I've ever had. So much choice! It was so nice to have cereal, and lots of delicious fruit, and Lily and Naomi enjoyed some banana loaf and eggs done just as you like them. We were out at 7am to wait for the minibus. We were transferred to a different minibus, and then we were off, off to Ayutthya again. It was a lot like the previous trip to Ayutthya, except the company was different and just as nice.
I met an Iraqi on the bus who had also been to Costa Rica, and had fallen in love with it. We talked a bit about his country which was interesting; cars have now taken over and the air is getting quite bad when it used to be so fresh. There were lots of civilians killed 2003-2006, but now it's getting much better and people are slowly adjusting to their new way of life. Some are finding it quite difficult as they've never been free before, so it's really weird.
He had been trying to get to Scotland to visit it, but it's really hard to get a visa to Scotland due to the war etc. He's done a TEFL course and a degree in Linguistics and now does that in Cambodia and has done it in Costa Rica which was a pretty cool thing to do. I guess that's why his English was so good! He, along with other Muslims don't eat pigs, they are like pets to them, so they get a proper burial too. I'm not quite sure I understand the theory to them being pets, seeing as they don't eat them as they are carnivores as they eat other animals if given the chance, unlike other creatures. His hope for the future for Iraq is for them to get a proper leader who will show off the country in all its beauty; for it's Gardens of Babylon, and it's mountain area and their livelihood from living off the flood plains in the south.
I was really glad I'd met him; he was the first Iraqi I'd ever met.
We arrived, and I wandered along to the bridge whilst the other two had a look around the strange museum that I hadn't paid much interest in the first time (as I'd been busy buying paintings!)
I also used this free time to go to the toilet which I was dying for. My parasite was still inside me and being a complete pain, despite trying to empty my stomach except when I was living next to a toilet!
On my way to the bridge, there was a baby leopard who was utterly adorable! He was drinking out of a toddlers bottle, it was just the sweetest thing.
I'd already seen the bridge, but I had another wee look at it, and on my way back to see how Lily and Naomi were getting on I got asked by a group of students if I'd answer a few questions. There must have been about 15 of them all asking a separate question each as they went round in the circle that they'd formed around me. I couldn't understand everything they were saying but thankfully I was able to look over their shoulders and read off the questions. It was all about my visit to the town.
We then headed off and had a lunch by the river, the same place as I'd been with the previous group. The food was lovely, rice and really delicious vegetables. I was a bit annoyed that I couldn't eat much as I was scared about needing the toilet.
We then boarded a bamboo raft which was lots of fun! I was terrified of falling over and not only getting myself, but more importantly, my camera wet! Thankfully I didn't fall in! It was amazing how many people it carried. We were walking back and forth quite nervously! One of the other people crossed over to take a photo looking back at us and I was so nervous about her dropping the camera. It felt like quite a short ride, but I don't think it was. We'd been whizzed up the river in a speed boat (a rather speedy one!) and then peacefully floated back down again.
The elephant ride was next; Lily and I were taking lots of photos of Naomi and the elephants although I'm not sure so many were taken of us. It was still really good. The elephants were making lots of really adorable noises too! I was wearing sandles and I was able to feel with my foot the rough skin with all the hairs on; it was such a beautiful feeling. When we arrived some of the elephants were being fed bananas. I'd really wanted to take photos of them but we were unfortunatly hurried on to the elephants.
We boarded the train which was jam packed. Naomi was feeling rather tired and faint so she got one of the few seats available. I was feeling a bit rough but was able to stand up. I didn't get a particularly good view of the scenary, but it looked very green. The experience was more in the clunkiness of the ride and the unsteadiness. Despite going pretty slowly, I was still a bit scared, no wonder it's called the Death Train!
We then had a view of the waterfall, where we had time for a swim, although we couldn't really be bothered getting wet, just to be uncomfortable, and quite probably cold, on the minibus journey home. Lily had a fun time posing in various positions around the waterfall whilst Naomi and I took the photos. Lily's got an eye for a good photo.
We got safely on the right bus and were off back to Bangkok. It took absolutely ages, and I slept as much as possible.
We finally arrived back and had a subway whilst sitting on the sidewalk. Lily and Naomi both had pancakes with banana and chocolate sauce which looked delicious! They make pancakes a weird way here; it's more like a dough which they roll out and then spin around their head until it gets thin. It's amazing what street vendors can make. We wandered around the shops and Lily found some new tops. The pubs were pretty cool, we found a nice one with live music where we could have a birds eye view of the busy street; cats wandering around, Jack Sparrow (look-a-like) and random beggars hobbling around and crawling about harrassing people.
It was a really nice evening.

Bangkok - 5th August 2009

I'd had spare time in the morning in Phnom Penh, and so spent it playing solitaire in the hotels internet cafe, which had labourously slow internet, so I'd given up using it after ten minutes of waiting for a page to load. I was quite happy listening to my iPod, and when it was working, ClassicFM.
Eventually it was time for me to head to the airport, so I boarded my tuk-tuk, feeling rather regal, and enjoyed the bumpy ride to the airport. The driver was kind enough to remind me to have my hands on my bags, incase anyone leaned in and tried to grab my things. I doubted anyone would actually be able to lift either of my bags, as I myself struggled to lift them!
I wasn't surprised, as when I got the the airport and my bags were weighed I had my broken NorthFace bag on my bag, weighing a tonne, and my enormous, bright red rucksack weighing in at 19kg; meaning I had to pay $24 for the excess which I was a bit annoyed about.
I managed to get checked in with the rest of the SKIP group. It was so great to see Naomi and the others; they'd had a really great time, and we all enjoyed exchanging stories over a coffee whilst waiting for the flight. It was a long wait for us to actually board the plane and I felt a bit dehydrated and was dying for some free water on the flight, but I was disappointed to find that we'd have to pay for it! So I decided I'd wait! (Maybe not the best idea, but nothing bad became of it, thankfully!)
The flight went well; there was plenty of space on the flight allowing me to spread out and have quite a comfortable ride, apart from the dehydration!
We got into Bangkok and it was already dark. We got the bus, a first for us, which was quite a squeeze. I was quite excited at arriving back 'home' again. It felt nice to be somewhere where I'd been before, which was a bit of a novelty. We were however staying in a completely different area to our previous stay. This time we were at the Viengtai Hotel, a rather posh affair with swimming pool and men to open doors for the ladies; I like it! The streets surrounding it were filled with bright lights, and probably what can be described as Bangkok's version of Times Square, New York!
The hotel was so clean, the mirrors were so beautiful and it looked so elegant! We got checked in, Lily and I in one room, and Naomi and Robbie in another. We met up with 7 other SKIP members to say hello before heading down the street.
The street was amazing! I felt so good after the excitement of seeing people and just all the liveliness of the street. Everything was so alive! I think a small can of RedBull went to my head as I was so bouncy that I couldn't sleep that night.
I checked my emails briefly that evening, and to my delight I'd been given shifts at work for the first week I was back, and quite a few of them, which was great news!
I did a bit of shopping for presents; a dress for myself, a tuk-tuk made out of beer cans for Dad, and a few random things!