Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Phnom Penh- 4th August 2009

I hve no idea why but I seem to be sleeping copius amounts of late; 13 hours last night, so I awoke at 2pm today; the girl who thought the locals at a previous guesthouse must be ill or lazy for only getting out of bed at 7am. Whoops, well at least I won't have to make any major changes when I get back to the UK, I'll be already jet-lag adjusted, I'll just need to sleep less.
I got a bit concerned about the Bangkok flight crash, but thankfully it wasn't flying into Bangkok, but to a related island thankfully, although still not great news.
'House' was on last night which was awesome! I never really was a great fan of it, but after getting to know some of the characters a bit better, it really is a pretty good show!
I'm getting bored of all the food here; pizza, sandwiches, noodles and rice dishes. I'll be glad for the change of scenery as of tomorrow.
I had an annoyingly dodgy experience at a restaurant a few nights ago as I'd ordered an orange juice and vegetable noodles. The orange juice came, and I know fake orange juice is not supposed to be wonderful, but it could have at least have actually tasted of oranges. I felt a bit guilty about sending it back, but I felt less guilty as my 'vegetable noodles' turned out to have something animal resembling in it, which after a few proddings with my chop-sticks, I sent back also. Eventually I got some real fresh orange juice, and some vegetable noodles, which made me feel nauseus all over again. I wonder if the people wondered why I'd bothered even coming out for the amount I actually ate off the plate, but anyway, I got a few mouthfuls down me and it stops me feeling sick from hunger, I now felt sick from eating...
I really need to find a shop selling some decent food, like peanuts or non-P+G pringles or something.

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Phnom Penh - 3rd August 2009

I seem to have had a rough morning this morning. I seem to be sleeping copius amounts and then the littlest of things are exhausting me. I almost didn't bother coming out to the internet cafe! I had chips and orange juice for breakfast and I'm thinking the vinegar of the ketchup and the acidity of the juice must have had some kind of chemical reaction; painful!
I've been really enjoying the US comedies that have been on the TV the last few days, although it is frustrating how many repeats there seem to be... do I really need to see the same episode three times?!
There was an adorable, but very annoying little kitten pestering me whilst I was trying to eat some chips in the restaurant in my guesthouse. She climbed up onto the table and would have had her face in my chips had it not been for me holding them up high above my head. She made me kind of nervous that she might try jumping up, and eventually my arm got sore so between mouthfuls I was moving the plate from my table to the table beside me, and then chucking the occasional chip on the ground for the kitten. She had such an adorable face, it was really hard to not feed the cutie!
On one of my recent motorbike trips I saw a guy nearly get run over by a mad man who obviously had no clutch control as he reversed back extremely quickly! Everyone seems to be a bit mad here when it comes to their driving. I'm surprised I've not been in any more RTAs yet.
My itchy hands and feet which have been driving me mad seem to have stopped which is a relief, although I'm still getting bad hunger pains and feeling dehydrated despite trying to drink lots. It probably doesn't help much that the bottles of water they sell in the guesthouse taste a bit overchlorinated.

Phnom Penh (Still) - Start of August 2009

So my next moto ride was a bit scary! Feeling a bit giddy myself anyway, I felt like a doll on the back of a motorbike, very liable of falling off. It's cheaper than a tuk tuk, and so I thought I'd stick with my motos. They seem to drive so fast! Maybe I wouldn't mind if I had a set of pleathers on me, or at least a helmet! We seemed to swerve in front of quite a few cars, and after going up a dead end he did a sharp turn around which I thought would be the end of me. What is it with these moto drivers?! I wouldn't be surprised if they were on something. Actually, they really might be! A few times I've gone and have walked past several moto drivers, they ask if I want a ride, and then whisper in my ear if I want some drugs, namely marjuana. I probably would have been shocked, except thankfully there is a warning about them in the guesthouse I'm at.
So despite having two American, fairly decent TV channels to choose from, I feel like a trapped human in my little hotel room at night. It gets so boring! My only means of communication is my phone and entertainment is a book or the TV. I don't even have a computer to play on! It doesn't help that I'm slowly being wound up by my hands and feet itching constantly and rather painfully. It gets so frustrating!
I had thought that I'd maybe go to Kratie seeing as I was now on drugs, but I don't really feel up for travelling. I'm not looking forward to the flights home, or the next two weeks of waiting, nor is there anyway to speed up the going home, or the wait. Oh this is such fun!

Phnom Penh - End of July (a few days ago)

So I've spent the last few days in Phnom Penh feeling ill. The dodgy stomach has gotten worse, or I've been eating to keep my strength up which has been making my stomach worse. I decided that with the stomach, faintness and other such problems, including the strange rash that seems to be taking over my body, I should probably make a visit to the doctor.
The consultation was $30, and after thoroughly checking me over; blood pressure, breathing, heart rate, as well as the usuall questions, he said that it was probably the most common problem; a viral infection, but I should give a stool sample just to see.
I thought hey, what am I in a new country for, if not for trying new things! So in came a nurse with a little plastic bag, containing a spatula and a pot, and off I went, returning shortly after with the filled pot! What a fun new experience for only $28! Ha!
I had to come back again the following day to get the results. I expected it to be clear, but was surprised to be informed that I had a new friend (or more like a foe) living inside of me, a parasite called Entamoeba Histolytica. I was a bit excited to have something I'd heard about from the Lonely Planet guidebook inside me, and to have something relavent to our M+I coursework, although I don't think we've studied this particular organism.
I was given, at a charge of $17, two sets of drugs, amounting to 6 and then 8 tablets a day, fun fun.
I'd already stopped taking all the other drugs I should be on, as I hate taking medications when I've got a dodgy stomach. I think that they are causing the problems or probably aren't being absorbed anyway, so would make no difference. I'm probably wrong, and only doing myself more harm than good, I just seem to be unable to take drugs for more than 2 months without getting bored of them.
On the day I went to the doctors for the second time, to the Naga Clinic, I'd made it all the way down the stairs from my 3rd floor room in bare feet, before realising that I'd gone up the stairs in shoes, and now was shoeless. I couldn't be bothered exhausting myself going all the way up again so ventured out onto a moto in my bare feet! It was quite fun! Although I was a bit scared of people thinking I'd gone a bit insane, although I felt rather free and more at home walking around in bare feet. The ground on the pavements tends to be smoother here than some other areas so it's quite pleasant. On my travels there was a random chicken on the busy pavement beside an even busier road, right in the centre of Phnom Penh, not sure where she'd escaped from!
I wandered back, not really sure which direction I should head in from the internet cafe, but just knowing that eventually I'd have to ask someone for a moto ride back to the hotel. I came across a vegan restaurant, in which I had some very sour lime juice, which I had to put quite a bit of sugar in to make it taste nice, and also a soup that was apparently Carrot and Corriander, but tasted more like Carrot and Nutmeg, but with more Nutmeg than Carrot. It was edible, vaguely. I didn't really have much of an appetite anyway. A nice find anyway, the vegan cafe.
I am sat in an internet cafe for what must be the millionth day in a row, entertaining myself as to have a break from lying in bed watching TV, or just slowing making my way through a small portion of chips and a cup of hot tea, whilst watching the news on the TV in the hotel's restaurant. I am enjoying just listening to Classic FM, it is a nice treat, and a shame that I cannot listen to such music in my hotel room. There seems to be just the awful local music available, except from the occasional Lady GaGa track that may appear on the US channels.