Saturday, 27 June 2009

Ho Chi Minh City - 27th June 2009

I had a relatively easy morning today, I leisurely got up shortly after 8, which I'm pretty sure is my latest morning yet! And after a cold shower I headed down in search of things to eat, ready to meet Lily in the park for our exchange of English and Vietnamese lessons!
I went back to the stall I'd been eyeing up the night before, and purchased a small gift at a bargain price. The lady recognised me from the previous night. I also booked a tour for tomorrow, of the Cu Chi tunnels and a religious centre which is apparently a cross between Christianity, Taoism and Buddhism, I'll know more tomorrow!! It cost $7, which isn't too bad for a day trip. (Plus 80,000 for entrance into the Cu Chi Tunnels)
I then sat around waiting for Lily. I thought she might not turn up, which wouldn't have been too bad as I would have had more time to do my tour of the city. She arrived shortly after 10, and we sat on a park bench and were going through various phrases. It was hard work, but it was pleasing when I managed to pronounce things correctly. A few people flocked around us, probably about 15 at most, including some security guards who seem to be everywhere. I thought they were going to get us in trouble for loitering or causing a scene, but I think they were just curious! I was able to ask a few children how old they were, what there name was etc! Several people offered to teach me more Vietnamese, although it was really only a couple of guys who stayed around and helped a bit, one of whom was handily studying English! It was good fun, although by 2pm I was completely exhausted!!
Lily had brought along some boiled sweet potatoes which was tasty, but rather dry, I couldn't manage much of it. Whilst I was eating it, the lady who I'd bought something from earlier came and gave me some rice paper, which wasn't unpleasant, but it was a new taste, and I was unable to eat all of it.
I had a bit of a headache, despite drinking almost a litre and a half of water, and so I said I must get on and do some exploring, and I was sure they had places to go too. I was feeling a bit ill, so after dicing with various roads I decided to head back to the coffee shop I'd been in the previous night. I found a English book shop on the way, and got a couple of Kellerman's costing $8 for the two; and then sat down enjoying lunch in the cafe.
I stayed in the cafe quite a while! Until 4pm, and finished my book, and moved on to the next one.
I decided I should probably move on, so after popping to the toilet, I was about to head back to my accomodation, about 5 doors away on the other side of the street. Unfortunatly the monsoon started just as I was about to walk out the door, so I made it two doors down instead into another cafe!! It turned out to be a lot cheaper than my usual upmarket free-internet coffee shop, although there was no internet. I happily read my book for a bit longer until the monsoon had ceised and my eyes were starting to shut by which time it was around 6pm; so I headed back to my accomodation. I read for a short while longer whilst listening to my ipod, before enjoying a lovely (!) cold shower and falling to sleep.
I don't seem to be sleeping that well at the moment. It feels like a rather delayed jet-lag, although I'm pretty sure it is just the heat!

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